More Partisan Sniping

But are we surprised?

Today, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, said, "If we are going to get anything done, Republican cooperation, which has been all but non-existent recently, will be necessary."

Really Harry? Why is that? You didn't need Republican cooperation to push the health-care reform and economic stimulus through. You just want a scapegoat in case this doesn't scheme work.

Future headline: "Harry Reid Blames Republicans For Bad Economy"

AP said that President Obama says "Republicans have opposed everything he has done to strengthen the economy."

Yep, fer shure. It's the Republicans fault that unemployment continues to rise (remember how his plan was going to prevent the loss of jobs?), the housing market is still in the toilet, and consumer prices continue to rise. I'm not an economist, nor do I play one on tv, but my personal economic situation is the worst it's ever been. None of this administrations policies have positively affected it. Not that I think the policies of a GOP administration would have had a positive impact either.

Harry, you need to find a new line of work. Try the unemployment line. If you've managed to not squander all of your 193,000 dollar salary, you ought to be OK for a while.


Jake said…
I'm pretty sure we would not be in our house if it was not for the stimulus package that gave us the rebate / money back / whatever to make it happen. I know others in the same boat. There has been _some_ good from these bills. Course, I was also proactive and repeatedly told my lender I wanted a simple no-nonsense mortgage loan and not one of the idiotic loans that landed so many in the US into the situation they are in now. We also, when we can, pay more than minimum on our mortgage and other loans so we are not eaten alive (as much anyway) by interest. While full control is not possible, there are many things one can do to control their personal economic situation. Most people in this country have no concept of that.

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