
Why is it always windy on the days the garbage is picked up?

Saddam Hussein ended his hunger strike, citing concerns for his health. I'm sure that he had the health and best interests of the 148 Shiite muslims in mind when he ordered their execution.

And now for something completely different.

The Minnesota Twins have selected Zoilo Versalles for inclusion in the Twins Hall of Fame. This is sorta mixed news, as Versalles was one name that sticks in my early memories of the Twins. While I recall the great heights and lofty promise Zoilo had, I also remember how horribly disappointing he became. If you'd like, the Hardball Times has dubbed Zoilo the Sultan of Flops. The Baseball Almanac has Zoilo's stats.

And now for something completely different.

The London Natural History Museum is putting a giant squid on display. The beastie is 20 ft long, with an eye that is 10 inches across. Yuck.


Maren said…
Giant squid? Cool! I wanna see...

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