Norwegian Probate Indexes . . . They're Great!
In my quest to find out who Østen Kongsparten was I decided to take a look at the index to the Nordre Gudbrandsdal probate records. These records have card index arranged alphabetically by farm, and then chronologically. This is an excellent resource for family history research because the index gives the volume, page number and date for the probate, the deceased, spouse, and may include children, their spouses, grandchildren, or heirs and relations.
Here's what the index for Kongsparten farm shows:
b.2, 1673-1688
Kongsparten i Vaage, fol. 26b
1675 Novbr 22
Rønne Olufsdtr +
g.m. Hallduord Jonsen
1. Jon Hallduordsen
2. Gunnild Hallduordsdtr
3. Ingerj "
b. 6, 1752-1764
Kongsparten i Sel, Vågå, fol 525a
1760 Martj 28
Østen Olsen
g.m. Anne Iversdtr
1. Ole 28 år
2. Rønnoug g.m. Hans Bergen
3. Barbro " Sven Pedersen husm.
4. Anne 22 år
5. Kari 12 år
b. 7, 1765-1773
Kongsparten i Sel, Vågå, Fol 242b
1768 10 Mai
Anne Pedersdtr +
g.m. Ole Østensen
1. Peder 34 år
2. Poul 32 år
3. Ole 12 år
4. Kirsten g.m. Hans Monsen
5. Embiør 38 år ugift
6. Berit g.m. Ingebret Halvorsen
As you see from the above examples, there are three probates registered on this farm. The first one, in 1675, clearly has no information to help identify who Østen Kongsparten is, but the second one, in 1760, does. Child number three on that index card is Barbro (Barbara) Østensdatter, married to Sven Pedersen. This is exactly who I've been looking for! I now know that Østen's father is named Ole, and Østen's wife is Anne Iversdatter, and they have five children, including two married daughters.
One interesting thing about this card is that there is no indication about who is deceased. I took a look at the probate on film, but the image is so light I can't read it. I'll have to make some photocopies and scan them and try to enhance the writing. Now, a probate being held without someone dying isn't all that unusual. There are several reasons why that may happen. Østen may just be interested in retiring, and wants to divide the property before he dies, and make sure that he and his wife are provided for. Or, in the case of another ancestor, Arne Siversen, his estate was probated to make payments to Ingeliv Askildsdatter because he had an adulterous relationship with her. To take a look at that document, click here.
We'll talk about the contents of the third index card another time.
Here's what the index for Kongsparten farm shows:
b.2, 1673-1688
Kongsparten i Vaage, fol. 26b
1675 Novbr 22
Rønne Olufsdtr +
g.m. Hallduord Jonsen
1. Jon Hallduordsen
2. Gunnild Hallduordsdtr
3. Ingerj "
b. 6, 1752-1764
Kongsparten i Sel, Vågå, fol 525a
1760 Martj 28
Østen Olsen
g.m. Anne Iversdtr
1. Ole 28 år
2. Rønnoug g.m. Hans Bergen
3. Barbro " Sven Pedersen husm.
4. Anne 22 år
5. Kari 12 år
b. 7, 1765-1773
Kongsparten i Sel, Vågå, Fol 242b
1768 10 Mai
Anne Pedersdtr +
g.m. Ole Østensen
1. Peder 34 år
2. Poul 32 år
3. Ole 12 år
4. Kirsten g.m. Hans Monsen
5. Embiør 38 år ugift
6. Berit g.m. Ingebret Halvorsen
As you see from the above examples, there are three probates registered on this farm. The first one, in 1675, clearly has no information to help identify who Østen Kongsparten is, but the second one, in 1760, does. Child number three on that index card is Barbro (Barbara) Østensdatter, married to Sven Pedersen. This is exactly who I've been looking for! I now know that Østen's father is named Ole, and Østen's wife is Anne Iversdatter, and they have five children, including two married daughters.
One interesting thing about this card is that there is no indication about who is deceased. I took a look at the probate on film, but the image is so light I can't read it. I'll have to make some photocopies and scan them and try to enhance the writing. Now, a probate being held without someone dying isn't all that unusual. There are several reasons why that may happen. Østen may just be interested in retiring, and wants to divide the property before he dies, and make sure that he and his wife are provided for. Or, in the case of another ancestor, Arne Siversen, his estate was probated to make payments to Ingeliv Askildsdatter because he had an adulterous relationship with her. To take a look at that document, click here.
We'll talk about the contents of the third index card another time.