Note to Bill Gates...

So here I am in Washington, D.C, at the Computers in Libraries Conference and I notice that the computer they are using has the Windows Update dialog on the screen. You know the one I mean. That annoying little thing that says your computer is updated with the latest patches from Microsoft and needs to be restarted. Well, on this dialog box there are two buttons and the little "X" button in the upper right corner. The buttons say, "restart computer" and "update later." Well, instead of clicking the "update later" button, they kept using the "X" button in the corner to close the box. Well, evidently this action isn't the same as clicking the "update later" button, because the stupid, excuse me, silly dialog box kept appearing every ten minutes!

Note to Bill Gates: When a user clicks the "X" button they mean "update later."

By the way, the conference is being blogged at the InfoToday blog.


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