CIL Day Three
CIL2006 - The Journey Conludes - Almost 10:02 This morning's keynote was presented by by Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Internet and American Life Project , and former managing editor of US News and World Report . While he may look older than some expected, and appears to be just another Foundation suit, he's a very intelligent man, and worth paying attention to. His presentation was prompted in part by this week's Time cover story on the overconnected teen. So his focus was on the younger Internet users, the Millenials, those people born between 1982 and 2000. In other words, my kids. Uff da. He presented Eight Realities of Millenials. This group is formed by a distinct age cohort, 5-23 years old They are immersed in a world of media and gadgets Their technology is mobile The Internet plays a special part in their world They are multitaskers They are unaware of, or indifferent to, he consequences of technology The technology they use will change radically in the next...